Are You Struggling with Student Loan Debt? Connecticut & Massachusetts Student Loan Attorney
Have you run into trouble with your student loan? Perhaps an expected job did not materialize or other expenses have cropped up that are now making it difficult or impossible to pay back the loan. Or, it may be that the terms of the loan you took for schooling were difficult to begin with and are now overwhelming your ability to pay on time. Whether you have a federal or private student loan, defaulting on the loan can create serious legal consequences.
If you find yourself in danger of defaulting on your student loan, or are already being contacted by debt collectors for non-payment, please contact the law office of debt relief attorney Susan M. Williams, LLC. With over two decades of experience in providing debt relief to clients in Connecticut and Massachusetts, attorney Williams offers sound, knowledgeable legal guidance on matters involving student loan debt.
Why Do I Need An Attorney to Manage My Student Loan?
Whether you took a student loan under a federal program or a private loan through a lending institution, you will be faced with consequences if you default. Both the federal government and private banks and lenders have the legal right to pursue repayment. Actions against you could include:
- Wage garnishment
- Having a tax refund seized
- Loss of federal benefits
- Being sued
- Receiving troublesome calls and contacts from a collections agency
- Negative affect on credit score and ability to secure other loans
While it is not easy to find relief from a student loan – even those who file for bankruptcy are unlikely to escape the repayment of a student loan – there are strategies and options available. Attorney Williams can discuss the circumstances of your student loan and provide possible alternatives to your current arrangement that can offer relief while protecting your legal rights. Depending on whether you are under a private or federal loan, these strategies may include modification of the terms of the loan, refinancing your loan, potential federal forgiveness programs and renegotiating with the lender.
Contact Susan M. Williams Law Office to Discuss Solutions
If you feel like you are facing a mountain of student loan debt, and not sure how you will manage it, don’t hesitate to contact the law firm of Susan M. Williams, LLC. Our compassionate, skilled legal team will can provide the guidance for a fresh perspective on your financial future, through a plan of management for your student loan. To make an appointment by phone for your free initial consultation, please contact us at [custom: phone].